About the cybersecurity webinar series
Cybercrime has rapidly become the most common crime experienced by individuals and businesses. Most organisations have many unaddressed cyber vulnerabilities and the threat is growing every year.
During the month of October, we will host a four-part webinar series designed to equip Board members and Non-Executive Directors with the information they need to ensure that cybersecurity is managed properly for the businesses you are working in.
Each session features an expert who will explain the critical points in effective cybercrime protection.
Webinar 3: Protecting your organisation | Thursday, 21st October, 13:00 - 13:45
The third webinar will examine the core activities necessary for good cybersecurity with Ophir Zilbiger, BDO Global Cybersecurity Lease, BDO in Israel.
After the event, you will:
- understand the priority cybersecurity activities organisations should undertake;
- understand why the activities are important; and
- know what questions can be used to determine whether the activities are undertaken properly.