Economic Development & Recovery

Economic Development & Recovery

Within any period of uncertainty or change, new ways of working, interacting and establishing innovative ways to restructure and attract investment to establish must be found.
BDO’s Public Sector practice is working to deliver responsive and meaningful results by analysing and understanding the issues you face. We will work with you to find unique yet, practical solutions to solve business challenges that our knowledge and understanding of the public sector environment.
Our team consists of a number of public sector professionals many of whom have held senior public sector roles and possess expert knowledge of the sector. We offer a service that combines practical, hands-on local experience with insights from our global network and private sector experience to help our clients implement appropriate and targeted transformational strategies that challenge tradition and maximise impact on the ground. 

Modelling & Data Visualisations

Financial modelling is a core service for our public sector clients. Most clients prepare or commission models frequently, for a variety of projects including:
  • Annual and ad-hoc Financial Planning – Operating and Capital Budget
  • Regulatory and Stress Testing
  • Project Appraisal and Evaluation. Also, Valuation Opinions on Assets
  • Project Finance Structuring (tax, risk and funding design)
  • Communications
  • Audit and Internal Audit Evidence
BDO understand that finance functions must seamlessly combine in-house core modelling capabilities with best-in-class external modelling advice. BDO has established a Modelling and Valuation centre of excellence, based in our Limerick office. It is designed to operate at a very competitive price level, in order to guarantee Valuation and Financial Modelling by comparison with any alternative resource (outsourcing, offshoring or use of freelancers).
We work with public sector clients in two ways:
  1. We offer access to depth of resources for the one-off major exercises
  2. We build a relationship where in-house capability is built up in parallel through close and transparent working and sharing of tools, methods and outputs.
 The benefits of working with our centre of excellence have been experienced by many clients:
  • Professional consistent independent output through meeting the needs and expectations of third parties “out of the box”.
  • High quality design by combining sophistication with simplicity, using output formats that reveal the key inner trends and facilitate visual analytical review.
  • Using the best data automation and visualisation tools such as Alteryx.
  • Depth of expertise and resources to quickly produce a fully integrated model articulating all the key decision-making variables – no matter how complex.
  • The capacity and commitment to iterate the resultant model as many times as it takes to unearth the required solution.

Project Finance

BDO has extensive experience both in Ireland and Globally of the realisation of large-scale projects. We have advised on a number of large-scale projects throughout Ireland. As a result, we understand that the challenges faced by such projects are numerous and often complex. 
We have experience in negotiating the draw down and pricing of funds from the alternative sources of capital. BDO is frequently involved in the securing of funding both debt, mezzanine and equity, which we ensure is placed in fit for purpose vehicles.  
Often the sheer size of the funding required for large undertakings means that innovative approaches to financing the project are required. Financing often must be sourced from multiple funders each with their own risk appetite and requirements around securitisation. While such syndication of debt can be very useful in unlocking finance, it is imperative to ensure that all parties are aligned and that there is no conflict between the terms set out by the respective lenders.
The production of an integrated, flexible and adaptable development appraisal model is key to providing this level of reassurance for all parties. BDO’s Financial Modelling centre of excellence is experienced in complex financial modelling which allows us to perform varied scenario and sensitivity analysis.

Non-Performing Loan (NPL) Consulting

BDO can offer independent advice in order to assist with the resolution of non-performing loans. Services include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Analysis of loan portfolios utilising expert software in order to understand and categorise loan segments;
  • Develop data driven resolution strategies;
  • Consider vulnerabilities within particular loan books and develop personalised approaches to recovery strategies where required;
  • Assist with liaising with all necessary stakeholders, including submitting proposals for new and innovative methods of resolving non-performing loans;
  • Review policies and recommend updates where relevant;
  • Review service level agreements to advise on market conformity and / or matters concerning State Aid;
  • Review appropriateness of loan servicing and preparation of a suite of key performance indicators to ensure application and monitoring of resolution strategies;
  • Prepare financial models to incorporate the above strategic changes and delivery of models to clients for future use.
BDO also offers a suite of operational insolvency services where required.
Our team has a wide range of experience in this area on a national and international level, through working with various financial institutions including a number of Irish pillar banks, asset management companies and a Cypriot state-owned formed bank.

Conn Murray

Chair of Public Sector, BDO Limerick
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Derry Gray

Consultant, BDO Dublin
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