Risk & Advisory Services

Why are risk and advisory services important?

Effective corporate governance, internal control and risk management are increasingly in the spotlight. Banking disasters, high profile corporate failures and a tough economic environment have led to greater scrutiny and increased pressure to comply with accepted good practice for all of us.

However it’s not just about compliance. When carried out effectively, these key processes not only avert disaster but also do much to enhance performance. That’s why the most successful, established organisations are those that manage risk, governance and internal control exceptionally well.


Internal Audit

Many organisations are struggling to keep pace with the changing regulatory environment and to identify, let alone manage, the complex risks they face. Tailored to your size, sector, risk appetite and the regulatory requirements that apply to your organisation, our consultants in Risk and Advisory Services can provide support through a fully-outsourced or co-sourced service or can supplement your existing skill set by providing specialist input. Our range of services also includes reviews of internal audit functions and internal audit start-up assistance.
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Our security experts work alongside businesses to provide threat intelligence to senior management, our suite of solutions as below are focussed on addressing cyber risks and concerns lived by the Chief Technology Officers of Companies:
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Third Party Assurance

BDO's Risk and Advisory Services (RAS) team offers independent assurance and advice over the design and operation of internal control frameworks. We have been carrying out control assurance assessments for many years for a wide range of service providers.
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SOX Compliance


For many companies considering an IPO, achieving SOX compliance may present a challenge, particularly during the initial year of compliance. For companies that have managed compliance, the process has become routine and often viewed as a compliance exercise with little strategic or operational benefit.

When implemented correctly, SOX can improve processes, reduce the risk of fraud, and maximise business resources. Manually onerous processes, obsolete processes, and unnecessary review procedures can all be identified and assessed during the risk assessment and control design phases of a project, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness throughout many aspects of the business. 

Why BDO?

Our dedicated team have helped clients to redirect and develop their SOX compliance procedures and controls, from a design and effectiveness perspective.

With an extensive network of resources and deep experience across virtually all industry sectors, we assist companies both large and small, and also work with non-public entities in achieving SOX-like compliance.  Our team provide the value-added capabilities to design the internal control financial systems following the existing legislation.


Governance, Risk & Compliance

Risk management is about achieving the right balance between realising opportunities and minimising the likelihood of risks associated with them. It requires proper focus at executive and board level, integration into the organisation’s strategic planning, and clear reporting at the right time for key decision making.
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Forensic Services

BDO Forensic Services in Ireland is part of BDO’s global network of successful, experienced and innovative forensic and dispute advisory practices. We have a reputation for delivering value for money and helping our clients achieve their goals. Our clients range from companies and major law firms to regulators, public sector and not for profit organisations.
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Trust the guidance of our RAS experts


Brían Gartlan

Partner, BDO Dublin
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Ciara Hanrahan

Director - FS Risk & Advisory Services, BDO Dublin
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Eoghan Daly

Partner & Head of Cybersecurity, BDO Dublin
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