Strategic Financial Planning

Your project is going to work. You feel it in your bones. But how do you convince everyone else? Our Consulting team can conduct the detailed scenario analysis and financial modelling that your investors, bankers and board of Directors will expect to see in relation to major investments or developments. We support this by advising on the nature and possible sources of finance that can be accessed, as well as helping you source this finance. Financial planning and analysis can be useful for much more than just an indication of where a business is going. Like a blood-test, targeted financial modelling will identify and isolate the underlying problems in an organisation and will help to identify the remedy that’s called for.

Our Strategic Financial Planning Services include:

  • Strategic financial planning
  • Detailed business proposal appraisal
  • Financial analysis and financial modelling
  • Profit improvement and control
  • Financial modelling & financial projections
  • Assistance with sourcing project finance
  • Assistance with sourcing research funding

Austin Hickey

Director, BDO Dublin
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