Sustainable Performance

Sustainable Performance

Sustainability is at the forefront of every business, but how does that relate to your people and how can you build it into your ESG strategy? This unique people solution empowers companies to harness the human power of the 'Social' in ESG and build higher, more sustainable performance levels over the long-term.

Net Better Off is a concept that focuses on the expectations of employees and the responsibility of employers. We are seeing ceaseless change in the employment market and careers now have a fluidity that employers need to both acknowledge but also embrace. There is a responsibility to develop, nurture,  support and reward employees, but this is a two-way street. By aligning Individual Needs with Organisational Asks there is a move towards building a Purpose driven environment where both parties are “Net Better Off”. 

Today’s business environment is quick to change, in addition employee demands are evolving and the role of a leader is crucial to the success of any business. Understanding the fundamentals of leadership and how that will drive and impact business performance is something that many companies are struggling with. We don’t just offer Leadership Programmes, we work with you to understand the challenges of your business and align your leadership team to best respond to those challenges.

In a post Covid environment, where companies are still grappling with remote & hybrid working,  cultural shifts & employee engagement, the role of a strong manager has never held such importance. And yet many managers are still using outdated management strategies that no longer answer the demands and expectations of their teams. By working with your managers we build a toolbox of skills that can help align how employees are managed by putting an emphasis on their individual development and growth while also setting expectations around performance and behaviours.


 group of people walking in office attire

There is an emerging trend for a Skills First approach to attracting and retaining talent. But what does that really mean for a business and what are the first steps that can be made to ensure that companies are ready for this shift.? We work with our clients to activate a practical and impactful approach to Skills First, by developing skills taxonomies that look to both core business & industry skills but also the softer skills that define a company’s culture and growth strategy.

Talent Intelligence offers deep insights into People, Skills, Capabilities & Trends. By capturing and analysing key data around people it allows companies to build proactive people strategies that are responding to real time data but also wider industry trends. 

Fundamentally Employee Engagement describes the relationship between Employees and their Employer. Highly engaged employees tend to be stronger performers, they are advocates for the business and they understand their role within the overriding Business Strategy.  It has never been more important for employers to focus on their Employee Engagement and to use it as a tool to drive business growth.

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Aidan McHugh

Partner, BDO Eaton Square, BDO Dublin
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Niamh O'Brien

Director, BDO Talent Management, BDO Dublin
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