
Whether liquidation is voluntary, to recover some of shareholders funds, or recovery, of a failing business, is no longer possible, we offer the necessary advice and support needed to help shareholders through the liquidation process.

Our team is fully equipped to guide our clients through the complete liquidation process in the most efficient manner possible.

We offer a complete solution:

  • Project management of supervised wind downs
  • Solvent liquidations - Member’s Voluntary Liquidations
  • Insolvent liquidations – Creditors Voluntary Liquidations or Court Liquidations
  • Our international links ensure that we can advise on the liquidation process worldwide by linking up with the appropriate local office.

David O'Connor

Partner, BDO Dublin
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Jim Hamilton

Consultant, BDO Dublin
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Peter Doherty

Director, BDO Dublin
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Stephen O'Flaherty

Partner, BDO Limerick
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